Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Prophet: Warren Jeffs

Jeffs and one of his child brides.
     Warren Jeffs took over the FLDS after his father, Rulon Jeffs, died in 2002. Members of the FLDS are taught that because Jeffs is a prophet he is 'God's mouth on Earth' so they must obey everything that he says. He controls every single part of the community including the city government, police, schools, and buisnesses. Jeffs also restricts things such as family pets, TV, holidays. music, and swimming which are all not allowed in the community. Since Jeffs is currently in jail, he has young men known as 'God Squads' that are sent around the community to make sure that families are following his rules. To any outsider of the religion Jeffs rules are nothing short of crazy. Jeffs ordered member to create a 'launching pad' in Short Creek in a grassy field that is to be used as a gathering place for when the Lord destroys the wicked ouside world, but takes worthy memebers to heaven. One diary entry of Jeffs states,"The Lord directed that I go to the sun tanning salon and get sun tanned more evenly on their suntanning beds." The Southern Poverty Law Center has named the FLDS as a hate group because of Jeffs teaching on black people. Jeffs states that blacks are descendants of Cain and are cursed with the black sking. He also says they are selected by God to be the servants of servants. As stated before Jeffs is currently being sentenced for two counts of first-degree rape as an acomplice for marrying a 14 year old girls to her cousin as well as molestation of his newphew. Nobody knows for sure how many wives or children Jeffs has but it has been estimated that he has over 100 wives.  

 Anderson, Scott. "The Polygamists." National Geographic 1 Feb. 2010: 34. SIRS Researcher. Web. 10 Nov. 2010.

Buchanan, By Susy. "Tempest in Texas." Southern Poverty Law Center. Spring 2005. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.,1.

Pictures Taken From: Google Images