Sunday, January 9, 2011

Carolyn Jessop

Merril Jessop with his six wives. Carolyn Jessop is on right.
    Carolyn Jessop was born in raised in the FLDS com munity of Short Creek. At 18 years old she was forced by the prophet to marry an elder of the community named Merril Jessop, who today runs the YFZ Ranch in Eldorado, Texas. On their wedding day he was 50 years old and already had three wives. Over the next 15 years she had eight of his 54 children. During that time she endured sexual, physical, and mental abuse from her husband.  At age 35 she had had enough and wanted to escape her horrible life in the FLDS. Against all odd she fled the FLDS community in the middle of the night with her eight children and reached safety. Once getting out, Carolyn faced many struggles of being a single mother and living in a world in which she had been taught was not to be trusted. Merril, her husband, tried numorous times to get his children back and a custody battle was started. After many cases Carolyn finally recieved full custody of her children. Merril also sent scouts to keep an eye on Carolyn and his children by essentially stalking them. She then was granted a restraining order from Merril. Carolyn's heroic story of her escape was so powerful she felt the need to share it. In 2007 Carolyn did just that. She released her book Escape that tell about her stuggles in the FLDS as a child, a young bride, and a mother. Below is a video of Carolyn dicussing her ex-religion and her escape from the FLDS.

Sources: Web. 24 Nov. 2010.

Pictures Taken From: Google Images

Video Taken From: Youtube